Benedictus follows the liturgical seasons of the Christian calendar. In choosing readings and themes for reflection each week, we sometimes follow the pattern set by the Revised Common Lectionary and sometimes develop a series on a particular theme.
If you make use of our website and the weekly reflections and are in a position to make a financial contribution, we would very much value your support. Your regular or one-off donation via our Benedictus account (BSB 633 000; Account No. 153841135) will contribute to maintaining the website and the production of its content.

- These Three Abide
- Hope (Luke 6. 17-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Faith (Luke 5. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Inside Out Life (Luke 4. 22-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Living the Story (Luke 4.14-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Extravagant Abundance (John 2. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Baptism of Our Lord (Luke 3. 1-22)
- A Light to My Path (Matthew 2. 1-12)
- Bonnevaux Christmas Homily (Luke 2. 1-14)
- In the Moment (Luke 2. 22-40) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Incarnation and Community - Advent Series
- Now the Time Came (Luke 1. 57-80) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Twice Blessed (Luke 1. 39-48, 56) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- You Will Conceive and Bear a Son (Luke 1. 26-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A People Prepared for the Lord (Luke 1. 5-23) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Regime Change (John 18. 33-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Little Apocalypse (Mark 13. 1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love Your Enemies (Luke 6. 27-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Passing from Death to Life (John 5. 19-29) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Choosing Life (Psalm 34:1-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- On Desiring Greatness (Mark 10. 32-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Where Are You God? (Psalm 22. 1-15) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Weaving a Stronger Spell? Christ in the City
- The Shock of the New (Ezekiel 47. 1-12)
- Through the Looking Glass (Ezekiel 34. 1-24) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Human Beings Cannot Bear Very Much Reality (Ezekiel 1)
- The Heavens Declare (Mark 8. 27-37) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Lord Is in This Place (Mark 7. 24-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Arise My Love (Song of Songs 2. 8-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Poetica Divina 2024
- The Trail is Not a Trail (Acts 1. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Monet Refuses the Operation (Mark 8. 22-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Reading Josephus (Isaiah 52 & 53) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love Dogs (John 20. 1-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Afflicted in Every Way (2 Corinthians 4. 7-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Of One Being (Mark 6. 30-52) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Blessing or curse? (Mark 6. 14-29) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Power of Weakness (2 Corinthians 12. 2-10)
- This Generous Undertaking (2 Corinthians 8. 1-15) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Open Wide Your Hearts (2 Corinthians 6. 1-13)
- Never without a story- why? (Mark 4: 26-34) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Why so much flack? (Mark 3: 20-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Sabbath Day (Mark 2. 23 - 3.6) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Knowing God (John 3. 1-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Empty Chair (Romans 8. 22-27) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Gathered to God (John 17. 6-19)
- Joy Made Complete (John 15. 9-17)
- God's Good Vintage (John 15. 1-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- One Shepherd (John 10. 11-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love Soaking Fear (Luke 24. 36-48) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Life in God Beyond Doubt (John 20. 19-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Though It Is the Night: Easter 2024
- Lurching into Life (Mark 16. 1-8)
- Bring Up the Bodies (Mark 15. 42-47) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Not the Killer, but the Killed (Mark 15. 1-41)
- Yet Not My Will: Maundy Thursday (Mark 14. 26-42)
- Atonement: Proclaiming Christ Crucified
- Grace and Necessity (Philippians 2. 5-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- By His Wounds (Acts 8. 26-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Atoning Sacrifice (1 Corinthians 1. 18-25) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- One in Christ (Ephesians 2. 11-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Justifying Grace (Romans 3.21-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- To Bring You to God (1 Peter 3. 8-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Living into Mystery (Mark 9. 2-9) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Continuous Conversion (Mark 1. 29-39) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Question of Authority (Mark 1. 21-28) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- What Shall I Return to the Lord? (Psalm 116) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Gift of Darkness and Light (Isaiah 60. 1-6)
- The Presentation in the Temple (Luke 2. 22-40)
- My Peace I Give You: Advent Series
- On Earth Peace (Luke 2. 1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Not as the World Gives (John 14. 25-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Things that Make for Peace (Luke 19. 29-44) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Way of Peace (Luke 1. 57-79) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Christ Among the Scraps (Matthew 25. 31-46) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- No Fear (Matthew 25. 14-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Ready or Not (Matthew 25. 1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Hidden Figures (Matthew 5. 1-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love and Back to the Beginning (Matthew 22. 34-46) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Discerning Trust (Matthew 22. 15-33) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Cost of Communion (Matthew 22. 1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Look Again: Feast of St Francis (Job 38. 1-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Let Justice and Peace Flow: Season of Creation
- Returning the Gift (Matthew 16. 24-26)
- The Gift of Limits (Matthew 5. 17-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Abundant Belonging (Matthew 6. 19-21, 24-34) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- No Bag For Your Journey (Matthew 10. 5-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Let Justice and Peace Flow (Amos 5) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Who? (Matthew 16. 13-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Space for Grace (Matthew 15. 21-28) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Way Through the Sea (Matthew 14. 22-33) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Wrestling Till Break of Dawn (Genesis 32. 3-8, 22-32) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Word of the Lord
- From Impasse to Wisdom (Matthew 13. 51-58) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Riddle Me This (Matthew 13. 10-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Wisdom as Relation (Matthew 11. 25-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Speaking Words of Wisdom (Matthew 11. 1-19) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Because You Have Obeyed My Voice (Genesis 22: 1-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- One Who Sees Me (Genesis 21: 8-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Divine Dance (Matthew 28: 16-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Sarah Laughed (Genesis 18: 1-15, 21: 1-7) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Call and Response
- The Something More (Mark 2: 13-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Pentecost: Going with the Flow (Numbers 11: 16-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Ascension: Don't cling to the old, let it ascend and give you its blessing (Acts 1: 6-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Don't make yourself a goal to stay alive. Make yourself a goal to stay human (Psalm 66: 8-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Eternal Return (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Pilgrimage and the Prophetic Call - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Do to her that which is good in your eyes (Genesis 16) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- If the Salt Loses its Flavour (2 Kings 2. 19-22 and Luke 14. 7-27, 33-end) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Easter 2023
- Living Into Resurrection (Matthew 28: 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- He Was Not There (Matthew 27: 57-66) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- So Many Questions (Matthew 26: 14-29) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Palm Sunday- Return to the City (Matthew 21. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Wake Up (John 11. 1 - 45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Strength in the Lord (Ephesians 6. 10 - 23) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- In Time (John 4. 5-42) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Future Shock (John 3. 1-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love's Oneing (Matthew 4. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Veiled in Flesh (Matthew 17. 1-9) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Spirit of Wisdom (1 Corinthians 2. 1-8, 14-16) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Eye of the Heart Enlightened (Commencement of 2023 Parliamentary Year)
- By Another Way (Matthew 2. 1-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Come and See (John 1. 29-42)
- Changing Minds, Changing Hearts (Matthew 4. 12-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Daring Enlightenment (Matthew 5. 13-16)
- Putting Out in Deep Water (Luke 5.1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Life in Abundance (John 10.10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Quality of Mercy (Luke 6.27-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Reality Check (Luke 6.39-49) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- At the Waterhole: Lent 2022
- On Understanding in Parables (Mark 4. 2-13)
- Somebody's Calling My Name (Galatians 1.11-2.2)
- The Harvest of the Heart's Work (Ecclesiastes 3.1-8)
- Listen, so that you might live (Isaiah 55.1-3, 6-9)
- Refreshment at the Waterhole (Isaiah 30.15)
- On Being God's People (Hosea 2.14-20)
- The Coming of the Kingdom: Easter 2022
- An Idle Tale? (Luke 24.1-12)
- Waiting Expectantly for the Kingdom (Luke 23.50-56)
- The Kingdom of God Among Us (Luke 22.66-23.49)
- Passing Over (Luke 22)
- Breath (John 20.19-31)
- Becoming (John 21.1-19)
- The Revelation to John
- A New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 21. 1-6) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19. 11-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- And War Broke Out in Heaven (Revelation 12. 7-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Heaven in Ordinary (Revelation 5. 1-14)
- What Does This Mean? (Acts 2. 1-21)
- All That the Father Has Is Mine (John 16. 12-15)
- Practicing Peace (Ephesians 2. 11-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Trust Me (Luke 9. 51-62)
- On Showing Up (Luke 10. 25-37) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Prophetic Vocation
- Prophets in the Tragic Gap (Hosea 11. 1-9) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Embodying the Word (Hosea 1. 2-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Famine of Hearing (Amos 8. 1-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Hear the Word of the Lord (Amos 7. 7-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Darkness Shall Be Light (Mark 9. 2-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Magnitude of Obedience (Luke 1. 39-55)
- What is God Really Like? (Luke 13. 10-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Season of Creation
- Ocean Saturday (Job 38. 1-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Who Do You Say That I Am - Flora and Fauna Saturday (Job 39:1-8, 26-30)
- Storm Saturday (Job 28: 20-28)
- Cosmos (Proverbs 8:22-31)
- Feast of St Francis (Luke 10.38-42)
- Healing Faith (Luke 17. 11-19)
- Keeping Faith on Earth (Luke 18. 1-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- On Innocence (Luke 18. 9-17)
- Seeking and Being Sought (Luke 19: 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- For All the Saints (Ephesians 1. 15-23) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Inhabiting the Time (Luke 21. 5-19) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Viriditas on the Cross (Luke 23. 33-43) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Jonah's Adventure
- In a Stew of Resentment (Jonah 4) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Falling Upwards (Jonah 2 & 3) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- In a Storm of Evasion (Jonah 1)
- Joseph (Matthew 1. 18-25) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Love is Born (Luke 2. 1-19)
- Transitions (Matthew 2. 13-23) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Here I Am (Samuel 3. 1-10)
- Word from Silence (Mark 1. 21-28) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Statement From (and To) the Heart (Matthew 5. 1-12)
- Reading Mark: An Introduction to the Gospel (Mark 1. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Reading Mark: The Heart of the Gospel (Mark 14. 53-64) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Interiority and Recovery: Lent Series
- A Season for Figs? (Mark 11. 1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Showing Jesus to Greeks (John 12. 20-33) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Forgetting and Getting of Wisdom (John 3. 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Reverencing the Templum (John 2. 13-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Ground of Identity (Mark 8. 31-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Interiority and Recovery (Mark 1. 9-15) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Birthing a New Creation: Easter 2021
- On the First Day (John 20. 1-18)
- Tending the Holy (John 19. 38-42)
- Labour Pains (John 18. 28-19. 37)
- The Intimacy of Betrayal (John 13 & 18)
- Letting God Easter in Us (John 20. 19-31)
- The Wisdom of Upside Down (Luke 24. 36-49) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Good Shepherd (John 10. 11-18)
- The Acts of the Spirit
- Receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 2. 1-24, 32-33) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Where Christ Is (Acts 1. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- On Not Hindering God (Acts 10.44-11.18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- What is to Prevent Me? (Acts 8. 26-40) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Discovering the Trinity (Romans 8. 12-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Stepping Inside (Mark 19b-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- How God Acts
- Go and Do Likewise (Mark 6. 1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Accessing the Power of God (Mark 5. 21-43) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Still Point (Mark 4. 35-41) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Growing God (Mark 4. 1-9, 26-34) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Voices of Hope
- Australia21 and Mindfulness for Parliamentarians (Acts 17. 19-28) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Making Peasce (Genesis 4. 8-12; Luke 15. 11-32)
- Women's Climate Congress (Mark 12. 28-34)
- Faith in Action: Dark Night (Ephesians 4. 17-24) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Transfiguration: Is this not the carpenter's son? (Mark 9. 2-10; John 6. 41-42)
- Becoming Who You Are (John 6. 51-58)
- Annunciation (Luke 1. 26-38)
- What Defiles (Mark 7. 1-23) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God
- The Oikos of God (James 4. 13 - 5. 11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Renewing (James 3. 1-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Home for All? (James 2. 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- At Home (James 1. 2-8, 17-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Three Pigs (Job 12. 7-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- God of Small Things
- Largeness of Heart (Mark 10. 46-52) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Little Way (Mark 10. 32-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Hidden Life of Nazareth (Mark 10. 17-31)
- The First Commandment (Mark 12. 28-34) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Pericopes (Mark 12. 35-44) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Way of Meditation
- Belonging to the Truth (John 18. 33-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Being on the Way (Mark 13. 1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Apocalypse and Subversion: Advent 2021
- To Those Who Are Perishing (1 Corinthians 1. 18-25)
- Salt and Light (Matthew 5. 13-16) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Real Presence (John 13. 21-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17. 1-9)
- Touchstones of Redemption
- Discerning Appearances (Matthew 21. 1-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Death Relativised (John 11. 1-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Subversion of 'Sin' (John 9. 1-41) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- From Outside In (John 4. 5-42) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Born from Above (John 3. 1-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Time of Trial (Genesis 2. 15-27, 3: 1-7; Matthew 3. 16-4: 11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Great Reversal: Easter 2020
- The Great Reversal (Matthew 28. 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Dead and Buried (Matthew 27. 57-66) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Great Rending (Matthew 27. 1-56)
- The Power of the Sign (Matthew 26. 14-56) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Holy Living: The Shape of Christian Virtue
- New Birth into a Living Hope (Acts 2. 1-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Steadfast in Faith (1 Peter 4. 12-16, 5. 6-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Stewards of God's Grace (1 Peter 4. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Our Hearts Are Bigger Than We Know (1 Peter 3. 8-9, 13-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Virtue of Obedience (1 Peter 2. 9-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Holy As I Am Holy (1 Peter 1. 1-9, 13-16) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- That They May All Be One (John 17. 20-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Mission of the Twelve (9.35-10.25)
- Getting It Across (Matthew 10.40-11.1) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Wisdom Vindicated (Matthew 11.2-19, 25-27)
- You Can't Ask That
- When Do We Say We Are No Longer the Same Faith? (Matthew 9.9-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Why (and How) Do We Pray? (Luke 11.1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- How Would Jesus Want Me to Relate to Him? (Matthew 16.13-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Is Hell Real? (Matthew 13.44-50) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Why Bother with Scripture? (Acts 5.1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Is the Bible Holy? (Ephesians 6.5-9) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- In a Strange Land: Pandemic and Psalms of Exile
- The Dream of Home (Psalm 126) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- How Long? (Psalm 130) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Deep Calls to Deep (Psalm 42)
- In a Strange Land: The Necessity of Lament (Psalm 137)
- On Human Nature: Season of Creation
- From Grasping to Self-Dispossession (Matthew 21.33-46) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- From Self-Deception to Humility (Matthew 21.23-32) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- From Envy to Generosity (Matthew 20.1-16) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Being Guests (Matthew 22.1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Practising the Marks of Benedictus
- One Love: Practising Five Marks (Matthew 25. 31-46)
- The Risk of Faith: Practising Adventure (Matthew 25. 14-30) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- That They May Be One: Practising Reconciliation (John 17. 20-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Mind of Christ: Practising Discernment (Matthew 13.10-17) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Grand Poverty: Practising Silence (Mark 10.17-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Entertaining Angels: Practising Hospitality (Matthew 25.31, 34-40)
- Advent in and as a Time of Crisis
- Of Rivers Vibrating Underground (John 4. 5-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Deep Water (Luke 5. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Abundance of the Heart (Luke 6. 39-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- And the WHAT fell on WHO? (Acts 1. 12-17, 20-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Infinite Resource (Luke 9. 28-43) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Be Reconciled
- In Him All Things Hold Together (Colossians 1. 15-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- For He Is Our Peace (Ephesians 2. 11-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- If Children, Then Also Heirs (Galatians 3. 1-5, 23 - 4. 7) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Dying Pro Nobis (Romans 5. 1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Being in Christ (Ephesians 2. 1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Be Reconciled (2 Corinthians 5. 17-21) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Sifted Like Wheat: Days of Easter
- Why Seek the Living Among the Dead? (Luke 24. 1-12)
- God in Safe Hands (Luke 23. 50-56) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Sifted Like Wheat (Luke 22. 66 - 23: 49)
- The Time of Trial (Luke 22. 31-53)
- Coming to Believe (John 20. 19-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- In Readiness for Emmaus (Luke 24. 13-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Gospel According to John
- Life Overflowing (John 16. 12-15)
- I Am Going Away and I Am Coming to You (John 14. 15-29) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- That They May Be One (John 17. 20-26)
- Now That Day Was a Sabbath (John 5. 1-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- As I Have Loved You (John 13. 12-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Believing the Works of God (John 10. 22-39) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Gerasa (Luke 8. 26-39)
- The Spirit You Are Of (Luke 9. 51-62)
- Poëtica Divina: Poems to Redeem a Prose World
- An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow (Matthew 5. 1-4)
- Reading Rumi in the Red Bear (Matthew 24. 36-42)
- When Death Comes (Luke 12. 22-32)
- Just Now (Exodus 3. 13-14)
- Call and Response
- Towards Ecological Conversion: The Season of Creation
- On Being Earthlings (Luke 12. 22-34)
- Buying Fields Under Siege (Jeremiah 32. 1-3a, 6-15)
- Integral Ecology (Jeremiah 5. 22-29)
- Heart Sick (Jeremiah 8. 13-9: 1)
- Gods That Are No Gods (Jeremiah 2. 4-13)
- Blessed for Blessing (Genesis 1. 1-5)
- Perceiving a New Thing (Isaiah 43. 18-21)
- 'Seasol' for Saints - Nurturing Radical Trust (Luke 18. 15-30)
- Saints of the Counter-Narrative (Luke 6. 20-31)
- Alive to God (Luke 20. 27-40)
- The Eye of the Storm (Luke 21. 5-19)
- He Has Forgotten Us? (John 18. 33-37) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Fifth Gospel: Advent with Isaiah
- Set Pools of Silence (Mark 1.29-39) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Gospel According to Mark (Mark 1.40-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Teach Us To Pray
- The Wound of Prayer (Mark 14.1-9) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- God Given (John 12.20-26) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Presence and Embodiment in Prayer (John 3.14-21)
- The Cleansing of the Temple (John 2.13-23)
- Attention (Mark 8.31-38)
- Naked Intent (Mark 1.9-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Easter
- Outwards from the Heart of Being - Easter Day (Mark 16. 1-8)
- The Crucified God - Holy Saturday (Mark 15. 42-47)
- A Man Discarded - Good Friday (Mark 15 & Psalm 22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- No Reprieve - Maundy Thursday (Mark 14. 26-42)
- Of One Heart and Soul (Acts 4. 32-37) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Withholding Proceeds: The Curious Case of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5.1-11) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Salvation in No One Else (Acts 4. 5-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8. 26–40) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Call and Response
- Call and Response (Ezekiel 24.27)
- Call and Response (John 2.1-10) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Revelation 4. 1–8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8.31-32) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Whither Thou Goest: Ruth's Tale
- 'Ruth's Tale' Revisited (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Happily Ever After (Ruth 3) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Boaz (Ruth 2: 1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Ruth (Ruth 1: 6-18) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Naomi (Ruth 1: 1-5) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Poetica Divina: Poems to Redeem a Prose World
- A Brief for the Defense (1 Thessalonians 5. 15-22) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Eli, Eli (Matthew 23. 37-39) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Leaving Mt. Baldy (Mark 2. 23-28) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- With That Moon Language (1 John 4. 7-12) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A Sword Shall Pierce Your Own Soul Too (Luke 2. 1-7, 21-35) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- In(to) the Presence of the Lord (Psalm 84) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Coherent Mercy: The Season of Creation
- Kinship (Genesis 1. 26-31)
- Mercy (Colossians 1. 15-20) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Contingency (John 9. 1-7) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Harmony, God and Us (Psalm 104) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Coherence (John 1. 1-5) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- A-Rising: Viriditas (Mark 14. 16-25) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Self-donation (Mark 10. 17-31) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Lagging Behind (Mark 10. 32-45) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Eyes Open (Mark 10. 46-52) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- With All the Saints (John 11. 32-44) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- The Un-religion of Jesus
- So You Are a King? (John 18. 33-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Not One Stone Left (Mark 13. 1-2)
- Beware the Scribes (Mark 12. 38-44)
- Preparing to Meet Your Maker: An Advent Journey
- The Work of Love in the Face of Doom
- Life is a Cabaret, Old Chum - Come to the Cabaret!
- Wedding Mayhem (Matthew 25: 1-13) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Swallowing Camels (Matthew 23: 1-13, 23-24, 37-39) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- And a Second is Like It (Matthew 22: 34-46) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Giving to God what is God’s (Matthew 22: 15-33)
- Bound Hand and Foot (Matthew 22: 1-14) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Tenants and Heirs (Matthew 21: 33-46) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Viriditas (Revelation 22: 1-5) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
- Season of Creation
- Call and Response
- Poetica Divina
- Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist (John 1: 19-30)
- Mission of the Twelve (Matthew 9:35-10:15)
- Transformed into the Same Image: Trinity (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)
- Spirit Poured: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-18)
- Un-heavening Heaven (John 14: 15-31)
- One Hundred Percent Lambing (John 10: 1-18)
- Given Life (Luke 24: 13-35)
- Doubt and the Path to Hope (John 20: 19-31)
- Passionate Action: Easter Series
- Passing Over: Exodus Journey
- ‘Worshipping on the Mountain’ (Exodus 3: 1-15) (8-4-2017)
- Ten Words (Exodus 19: 16-18, 20: 1-21) (1-4-2017)
- Bread from Heaven (Exodus 16: 1-5, 11-21, 31-32) (25-3-2017)
- Through the Waters (Exodus 13 and 14) (18-3-2017)
- Passover (Exodus 12: 1-14) (11-3-2017)
- ‘Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son’ (Exodus 3: 1-15) (4-3-2017)
- Bright Cloud (Matthew 17: 1-9) (25-2-2017)
- ‘The Aim of His Art’ (Matt 5:38-48) (18-2-2017)
- The Sacrament of Communion (Matthew 5: 21-24) (11-2-2017)
- Proclaiming Christ Crucified (1 Corinthians 1: 18-31) (4-2-2017)
- Set Pools of Silence (Matthew 14: 22-33) (28-1-2017)
- Incarnation - The Meaning of Christmas
- The Cosmic Christ (Colossians 1: 11-20) (19-11-2016)
- Becoming Saints (Luke 6: 17-26) (5-11-2016)
- Call and Response
- Call and Response – Heather Thomson (1 Peter 2:1–10) (22-10-2016)
- Call and Response – (Matthew 19: 16–30) (15-10-2016)
- Call and Response – Kerry Jacobs (Jonah 1:1-12, 17) (8-10-2016)
- Call and Response – Heather Thomson (Luke 1:26–38) (1-10-2016)
- Call and Response – Heather Thomson (Luke 13:10–17) (10-9-2016)
- Call and Response (Luke 14: 25-35) (3-9-2016)
- Invited to a Banquet (Luke 14: 7-14) (27-8-2016)
- The Freedom of the Gospel (Luke 13: 10-21) (20-8-2016)
- Peace on Earth (Luke 12: 49-56) (13-8-2016)
- Deep Listening as Faith (Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16) (6-8-2016)
- Music of the Spheres - Charles Jenkins (30-7-2016)
Images Music of the Spheres - On solidarity with the afflicted (Matthew 13: 24-30)(23-7-2016)
- Mystic Winter
- Elijah the Tishbite
- A Story Still Unfolding: Feast of Trinity (John 16: 12-15)(21-5-2016)
- What on earth is union with God? (John 17:20-26)(30-4-2016)
- Receiving the Holy Spirit: Easter 5 (John 20: 19-23)(23-4-2016)
- Following the Risen Christ: Easter 4 (Matthew 28: 1-10)(16-4-2016)
- Believing Christ is Risen: Easter 3 (Luke 24: 1-12)(9-4-2016)
- Appearances: Easter 2 (John 20: 19-31)(2-4-2016)
- Easter
- Journey to Jerusalem
- Transfiguration (Luke 9.28‐36)(6-2-2016)
- Set Pools of Silence (John 4. 5-15)(30-1-2016)
- Jesus - A Girardian Advent
- Marks of Benedictus
- Five Marks (Acts 2. 37-39, 43-47)(7-11-2015)
- ‘Take Heart’: The Mark of Adventure (Mark 10. 46-52)(31-10-2015)
- Nothing Lost: The Mark of Reconciliation (John 6. 35-40)(26-10-2015)
- The Living God: The Mark of Discernment (John 1. 24-31, 35-39)(17-10-2015)
- Grand Poverty: The Mark of Silence (Mark 10. 17-22)(10-10-2015)
- The Mark of Hospitality (Matthew 25. 31, 34-40)(3-10-2015)
- Reflection for Third Order Franciscans (Luke 12. 22-34)(2-10-2015)
- Viriditas (Song of Solomon 2. 10-13)(26-9-2015)
- True Greatness (Mark 9. 30-37)(23-9-2015)
- Contending with God - Job's Story
- Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1. 39-55)(15-8-2015)
- Living into our Name (Matthew 10. 17-20)(01-8-2015)
- Dark Night of the Season (Genesis 1. 1-5)(25-7-2015)
- Hospitality, Community, and the Centrality of Prayer (Mark 6. 30-34, 53-57)(18-7-2015)
- The Monastic Vocation (Matthew 10.24-31)(11-7-2015)
- Tourist, Traveller, Pilgrim or Disciple? (Mark 6: 1-13)(04-7-2015)
- On Coming To Know (Sermon: Samuel 3.1‐10)(27-6-2015)
- Over To The Other Side (Sermon: Mark 4:35-41)(20-6-2015)
- On Being Drawn (A Sermon on Exodus 3)(13-6-2015)
- Being Reconciled – Feast of the Trinity (2 Corinthians 5. 16-21)(30-5-2015)
- Pentecost (Acts 2. 29-39)(23-5-2015)
- Easter 2015
- Passion Sunday (Mark 14:1-11)(28-3-2015)
- Metanoia - Lent 2015
- Transfiguring Light (Mark 9. 2-9)(14-2-2015)
- You Did Not Choose Me (John 15. 12-17)(7-2-2015)
- No Room (Advent 4 – Luke 2. 1-8)(20-12-2014)
- Joy (Advent 3 – Isaiah 61. 1-4, 8-11)(13-12-2014)
- Tidings (Advent 2 – Mark 1. 1-8)(06-12-2014)
- In-breaking (Advent I: Mark 13. 24-37)(29-11-2014)
- What sort of king is he? (Matt 25: 31-46)(22-11-2014)
- Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 25. 14-30)(15-11-2014)
- Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 25. 1-13)(08-11-2014)
- All Saints Day (Matthew 5. 1-12)(01-11-2014)
- Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 22. 34-40)(25-10-2014)
- Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 22. 15-33)(18-10-2014)
- Philippians
- The Great Exchange (Matthew 20. 1-16)(10-09-2014)
- Faith in the Public Square
- Mary Magdalene: Penitent Sinner or Apostle to the Apostles?(19-07-2014)
- Reading Genesis
- Feast of Trinity (1 John 4. 16-21)(14-06-2014)
- Pentecost (John 7. 37-52)(07-06-2014)
- Sixth Sunday of Easter (Acts 17. 22-31)(24-05-2014)
- Fifth Sunday of Easter (Acts 7. 54-60)(17-05-2014)
- Fourth Sunday of Easter (Acts 2. 42-47)(10-05-2014)
- Third Sunday of Easter (Acts 2. 14a, 36-41)(04-05-2014)
- Easter 2 (John 20. 19-31)(26-04-2014)
- Holy Saturday (Ps.31; Mark 15.42-47)(19-04-2014)
- The Gospel of Matthew
- Australia Day – Third Sunday After Epiphany (Deuteronomy 8. 5-14, 19-20) (25-01-2014)
- Second Sunday After Epiphany (John 1. 29-42) (18-01-2014)
- A Contemplative Christmas (2013)
- The Reign of Christ (Song of Zechariah – Luke 1. 68-79) (23-11-2013)
- Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Song of Isaiah – Isaiah 12. 2-6) (16-11-2013)
- Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Luke 20. 27-40) (09-11-2013)
- Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (31-08-2013)
- Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (24-08-2013)
- Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (17-08-2013)
- Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (03-08-2013)
- Emmanuel (2013)
- Trinity (25-05-2013)
- Pentecost (18-05-2013)
- Easter (2013)
- Holy Saturday (30-03-2013)
- Contemplation and Prophecy Lent (2013)
- Season of Creation Spring (2012)
- Discernment Series (2012)
- On Blessing Epiphany (2012)