
Benedictus is a vibrant community consisting of members gathering locally in Canberra and from around Australia and internationally. Here are some opportunities to contribute to the life of the Benedictus community and our wider ministry.

Meditation Leading

Benedictus offers meditation at 12.30pm in the church Tuesday to Thursday, and online at 5.30pm Sunday to Friday. These gatherings are led by members of the community, and attract a wide range of participants. Anyone who would like to explore the possibility of leading sessions regularly (or from time to time) is encouraged to be in touch.

Music and Sound

Music at Benedictus draws on the gifts and energies of singers and instrumentalists in the congregation, and brings great joy to our weekly gatherings. Our musicians come from a variety of denominational and musical backgrounds, and repertoire at Benedictus ranges from classical sacred music to contemporary Christian worship songs. Several musicians have also performed their own original works.

We are also keen to increase the team of those who are able to set up and manage the sound system for our hybrid gatherings, so anyone with interests in this area is most welcome to be in touch.

Liturgy Group

This group gathers as needed during the year to share in the writing and ‘workshopping’ of new liturgies for our Benedictus services. Usually the liturgy group will focus on creating the services for a particular season (ie. during Lent, or the Season of Creation, or Advent). This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in some creative writing, to deepen engagement with the themes and seasons of the year, and support the worship of the whole community. No prior experience is needed.

Gardening Group

Part of our commitment to the site at St Ninian’s becoming a ‘waterhole’ – a place of refreshment in our city – is the development of the gardens (including the vegetable garden) as a welcoming and beautiful space, a space of connection. Our gardening group meets fortnightly on Monday mornings, to continue the work begun in the grounds – but expressions of interest to work in the garden on any day are welcome!

Kaleidoscope: quiet afternoons for children

For almost ten years, our Kaleidoscope afternoons offered an opportunity for primary-aged children to step out of the busy worlds in which they too live, to spend time reflectively, restfully and creatively.

Children’s lives are enriched by experiences that nurture their souls, open their hearts and minds to the presence of love and hope, and offer opportunities for creative expression, sharing stories and even some silence. These experiences foster calmness, connectedness and joy. They equip children to live well in a busy, noisy world.

We are no longer able to offer these Kaleidoscope afternoons, but the Kaleidoscope blog gives a sense of the many wonderful afternoons we shared. We hope it may offer inspiration for others seeking to create contemplative spaces for children to enjoy.