

Main Service – Saturday 6pm 

  • We meet in the hall at St Ninian’s, cnr Brigalow & Mouat Sts Lyneham. All welcome.
  • To attend via zoom, click here (passcode 864207)

On-line Morning Meditation – 8.15am Weekdays

  • To attend via zoom, click here (passcode 600361)

On-site Lunch Time Meditation – 12.30pm Tuesday-Thursday 

On-line Evening Meditation – 5.30pm Sunday-Friday

  • To attend via zoom, click here (passcode 864207)
  • For guidance on how to meditate, click here

Friday Zoom Sandwich – 12.30pm click here


Supporting Benedictus

Benedictus is a self-supporting community relying entirely on donations to sustain our ministry. If you are able to make a regular or one-off financial contribution by direct debit or via our PayPal account, we would very much value your support:

Direct debit: Benedictus Contemplative Church; BSB 633 000; Account No. 153841135

PayPal payment: click here

Benedictus is a contemplative church seeking an authentic, open-hearted and thoughtful encounter with God. Silent meditation, reflection on Scripture, and celebration are features of our shared life and worship. In the spacious hospitality of prayer and community, we learn to attend more deeply to ourselves and each other, and to the movement and calling of the Spirit in our time.

Benedictus means blessed. To be blessed and a blessing is to join in God’s reconciling love for the world. We welcome all people who are seeking to deepen their spiritual journey.

Weekly Service 6.00 – 7.00pm Saturdays

Location: cnr Brigalow & Mouat Sts (the hall @ St Ninian’s),     Lyneham ACT Australia

‘Benedictus strikes me as a fresh, refreshing and contemporary manifestation of Christian faith and community for our time. Benedictus brings the depth dimension of contemplative spirituality into the experience of both worship and fellowship … It is not only the church that benefits from this. The social institutions with which the church works in the world are also challenged to live at a level beyond outward appearance and to make compassion and wisdom integral to their vision and way of life’.

– Laurence Freeman OSB, Director,
World Community for Christian Meditation

Upcoming events

July Sabbath at Benedictus
We have committed to dedicating July as a Sabbath month for Benedictus. This is not just about 'taking a break', but it is an intentional laying down of some of our busy-ness so as to 'rest in the Lord', deepening our availability for prayer, listening and simple presence. We are encouraging our various groups to suspend or minimise their activities for this month. Please note that our regular Saturday service, our daily online meditation and lunch time meditation will continue during this time.

Deep Simplicity: The Freeing Wisdom of Meister Eckhart
A special series with scholar and contemplative Mark Burrows over four Sundays in August. Join us to explore the wisdom of this most contemporary mystic. Read more

Creative Arts Retreat 2024
Nov 1 - Nov 4. This retreat offers contemplative space for you to explore your particular creative pursuits and also to gain windows into new avenues for making art.The space will be held by singer songwriter John Coleman, and poet John Foulcher with a small team. Read more