Benedictus is a contemplative church seeking an authentic, open-hearted and thoughtful encounter with God. Silent meditation, reflection on Scripture, and celebration are features of our shared life and worship. In the spacious hospitality of prayer and community, we learn to attend more deeply to ourselves and each other, and to the movement and calling of the Spirit in our time.
Benedictus means blessed. To be blessed and a blessing is to join in God’s reconciling love for the world. We welcome all people who are seeking to deepen their spiritual journey.
Weekly Service 6.00 – 7.00pm Saturdays
Location: cnr Brigalow & Mouat Sts (the hall @ St Ninian’s), Lyneham ACT Australia
‘Benedictus strikes me as a fresh, refreshing and contemporary manifestation of Christian faith and community for our time. Benedictus brings the depth dimension of contemplative spirituality into the experience of both worship and fellowship … It is not only the church that benefits from this. The social institutions with which the church works in the world are also challenged to live at a level beyond outward appearance and to make compassion and wisdom integral to their vision and way of life’.
– Laurence Freeman OSB, Director,
World Community for Christian Meditation
You Will Conceive and Bear a Son (Luke 1. 26-38) - Listen to this reflection (mp3)
Upcoming events
Advent at Home - Resources for Reflection
Each week in Advent, we will be posting resources for you to use for personal prayer and reflection. We hope you enjoy Week 2. Read more
Circle For Solidarity - Thursday 19 December, 4-5pm
As we move towards Christmas, some are carrying heavy loads. We are gathering for a time for simple prayer, with space to share a little if you wish and to be with one another in solidarity. All are welcome. Read more
Christmas Vespers - 5.30pm online only
We celebrate Christmas with a simple service of meditation, readings and music on Christmas Day. Join us using the link for Evening Meditation. All are welcome.
Benedictus AGM - Reports Available
The Director's and Treasurer's Reports from our AGM on 7 December are available on the About Us page and the Benedictus Forum. Please be in touch if you'd like more information.
Walking the Overland Track in late summer 2025
There are still places available on Sarah and Neil's Sacred Geography pilgrimage on Tasmania's Overland Track, 25 February to 3 March 2025. Read more